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Cross Connection/Backflow

Backflow Testing

Washington State Department of Health (WA 246-290-490) requires by law, that all sprinkler/irrigation systems, swimming pools and fire suppression systems must be equipped with an approved backflow preventer. The backflow preventer must be tested annually to prevent possible cross contamination of your drinking water. Sprinkler/irrigation systems need to be tested when the system is activated not when winterizing.


We are asking that you have your backflow preventer tested with results submitted to our office no later than May 31st. The Association will be begin water shut off procedures to all members who have not complied with the above mentioned Health Department requirements by June 1.

A list of certified testers is available through the link provided below. The list is only provided as a convenience, you may contact any qualified tester of your choice. If you do not use a tester off the enclosed list, please ask them to submit their BAT (Backflow Assembly Tester) Certificate Number and their Certificate of Calibration when they send your testing results to our office. You may also wish to verify they have liability insurance and a business license.


Test results may be mailed to:
Union Hill Water Association
5020 236th Avenue NE
Redmond, WA. 98053

or Faxed to: 425-497-8831
or E-mail to:


Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Should you have any questions, you may contact our office Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 9:30am and 4:30pm.


View Certified Backflow Testers

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